Regional groups

The Roman writer Tertullian, who converted to Christianity, said already in the 3rd century AD: "One Christian is not a Christian." What was true for Christianity back then is still true for us today. Especially in Germany, we are noticing an increasing isolation of believers, which is why we from Maria 1.0 would like to counteract this through our regional groups. We long for Catholics in Germany to come together, not to perceive themselves as loners, and to be able to follow Christ more and more together.

Diocesan regional meetings

Therefore, we offer a digital regional meeting for all German dioceses in alphabetical order for all Catholics of the respective diocese, this includes laity, clergy and religious. Which regional meeting will be held next can be viewed here and will be announced through our social media channels as well as our newsletter. To register for a regional meeting, email us at The link to the digital meeting will then be emailed one day before the meeting. The regional meeting offers the opportunity to get to know other believers of the diocese as well as the leadership of Maria 1.0, and to learn more about the initiative and its work. At the end of the digital meeting, the participants will have the opportunity to stay in touch through a group in a messenger service. In each group there is a group leader who can be contacted in case of questions. If you missed the regional meeting for your diocese, you can of course join the group later. To do so, please send an email to

Regional groups

We would like a kind of local community to emerge through the regional group that meets regularly, prays, exchanges news from the diocese and perhaps even undertakes one or the other project, or supports good offers that already exist locally.
In this way, Maria 1.0 is to be experienced even more concretely, more approachably, even more tangibly. What this looks like in detail in the different dioceses depends on each individual group member. It is an optional offer, not mandatory.
So, the goal is to find like-minded people and to walk together on the path of following Christ - for this, a good network is always helpful.
Interested? E-mail us at
When will you be there?