Maria 1.0

Maria 1.0 is a Roman Catholic initiative that is committed to the unity of the universal church and fidelity to the papal magisterium. Throughout Germany, young women in particular are involved with Maria 1.0 and give the initiative a face. Since May 2021, Maria 1.0 has been led by Clara Steinbrecher; she also coordinates the initiative's various apostolates. In addition to the classic prayer and information apostolate, Maria 1.0 tries to help shape the discourse around the Catholic Church through media presence. In addition, the comrades-in-arms of Maria 1.0 show their faces at Catholic events in order to stand up for the Catholic faith (see, for example, DBK Vollversammlung). In order to provide a networking opportunity for Catholics, Maria 1.0 also offers regional groups and it plans to hold theological conferences in the future.

Maria 1.0 is supported by believers of different spiritualities who, united by the universal teaching of the Church, know themselves to be represented by this initiative. Maria 1.0 sees itself as the mouthpiece of all those Catholics who have a positive attitude towards the Pope and the Church.

Mary 1.0 initially formed in May 2019 as a countermovement to Mary 2.0 (a German movement promoting more women in positions of authority in the Catholic church), but now takes on all Catholic issues, giving voice to Catholic teaching.

Maria 1.0 was founded by Johanna Stöhr, a young teacher from Schongau, Germany, who wanted to show that there are many women in the Catholic Church who recognized that the church cannot be changed like a society created by humans. Moreoever, the women of Mary 1.0 point out that the Catholic Church is probably the oldest "emancipatory institution" par excellence since through the grace that God granted to the Virgin Mary to give birth to His Son, He has chosen her forever to be the closest intermediary between Him and mankind.

The supporters of Maria 1.0 consider the nationwide wave of protests including a "church strike" against a "male-dominated Catholic Church" not only superfluous and theologically wrong, but also see in the designation Maria 2.0 an inadmissible instrumentalization of the Mother of God, who in her humility and immaculateness has always subordinated herself to the divine will.

In the present world situation, the Church is called with increased urgency to serve the salvation and renewal of all people (cf. Ad gentes 1), and Mary 1.0 wants to contribute to this. Evangelization is an essential stimulant of this renewal. Maria 1.0 calls on faithful men and women to join in new ways of proclaiming the Gospel and thus to actively shape the future of the Church.